Small-scale fisheries in Tegal, Indonesia
Small-scale fisheries are a term to show that fisheries are still dominated by vessels under 10 GT. This can be seen in PPI Muarareja as one of the fish landing sites in Tegal City. More than 100 ships landed in PPI Muarareja. Meanwhile, there are 146 ships with 5 GT – 10 GT in PPP Tegalsari.
In Muarareja, several boats can go out daily, most of which go for three days to a week, depending on the size of their boat. This is all of the discussion with several fishers in Muarareja area.
Table of Contents
Most Fishers using Arad
We met Mr Rusban, he is one of the fishers who live nearby. He said that he has thrown away the nets that were already damaged. He called that damage nets as dobong. Usually, some scavengers take the nets and those who will melt the nets.
The price of new nets usually reaches 130 thousand per kilo. It is only one type of net; because there are several types of the net, the price is different. In total, it usually reaches 1 million to 2 million. It can reach 2 million if it is complete because it includes a buoy. A month is usually already broken because it is often stuck to coral, mud, or rocks.
We asked what the specification of that vessel was. He said that fishing vessels sail for a week. Ship size 4 GT, go to sea to see the weather. Out at 6 am and back a week later. While the daily ship, leaving at 6 am and returning at 1 pm. He mentioned that the nets he used are called Waring. And the ship owned by Mr Rusban is called arad.
Using second fishing gear while fishing
He also mentioned that he also had a trap for crab. The nets are usually only used for a month. Often when leaving, the net is damaged and must be replaced. Income is reduced because the net is stuck. On the ship, sometimes 4-5 people. Mr Rusban is the owner of the ship.
According to him, the shipowner must have gone to sea. Unlike the ship owners in Tegalsari, most of whom do not go to sea. The ship’s owner in Muarareja served as the crew, the captain. If there are too many people, it will be a loss.
He had fifty years of fishing experience. There are fewer fish because more and more fishers are catching fish in the sea. The tools have become more modern because many fishers have income.
Pak Rusban catches to the outskirts of the Java Sea, not to Kalimantan. Because it is not possible with 4 GT, a crab catching ship of 16 GT can go to Kalimantan to catch crabs. Most of the crabs are in the Kalimantan area. Not possible in the Java Sea area. If the crab fishers have special boats to use traps, they usually go to Kalimantan for a month.
Figure 1 Pak Rusban 4 GT Ship
Figure 2 Fishing Vessels in Tegal
Figure 3. Fishing Vessels Waring in Tegal
Figure 4 Fishers repair his nets
Month 12 can go out and get 10 million. Solar supplies (6 million), have just been distributed to the crew. Usually carry nets of up to 5 spares. If there is a snag, it can be replaced. The price for 1 set of nets is 2 to 3 million. Supplies a week to 6 million. So 4 million can be divided between the crew and ship owners.
If the weather is bad, there is information. During the sea, the captain must have the ability to know the weather. If the weather is not good, then the ship will move aside. Mr Rusban uses technology through HP. As seen from the strength of the wind.
Crab Trap called a Bubu
Besides being an arad, Pak Rusban is also a badong fisherman. He also has a crab trap. On his ship, there are 1000 crab traps. Crab can be sold to buyers at high prices. The price is 150 thousand per kilo. The crab trap also often disappears when it is pulled. Usually, the trap line breaks because it is carried away by the current.
The price of one trap is around 40 thousand per trap. The traps are soaked for 4-5 hours and then pulled by a machine. When pulled and lost. If it can no longer be used, the bubu can be sold for 2 thousand because it is considered junk. Bubu can be used for five months because it is often damaged. Broken like a dent. In addition, stainless is also often dented. There are also several different types and their prices are also different.
Bubu is purchased in the form of bubu. Not like a net that small scale fisheries can make. Bubu is purchased in the Cirebon area. Because the price of traps in Tegal is higher.
Bubu release, impossible to collide. There is already a path that can be passed by every type of ship depending on the fishing season. If it is crab season, remove the trap to get extra.
Story from Pak Sabar
Fishers onboard arad. 1 day to 3 days at sea. The nets are usually thrown into the sea if they get stuck. Often the net is lost because time is lost. According to him, this is due to rocks, rocks or mud that cannot be seen. If the damage can still be repaired, the net will be pulled. However, if it is badly damaged, usually the net is cut and left in the sea.
Pak Sabar said that if the net were lost, it would be a risk at work. The nets brought ashore can be sold for 2500 per kilo even though he bought a net for 1,500,000 with a complete set. He brings more than one net as a backup if the net is broken or damaged.
Small Scale Fisheries in Indonesia become one of the most vulnerable jobs in the world. They bear the cost of fishing, but do not always get fish. In addition, they also have the possibility of getting into an accident while at sea. This makes their position very vulnerable and vulnerable.
ditulis 22:22 WIB, Rabu, 18 Mei 2022
sambil diskusi budget untuk merepresentasikan pengelolaan perikanan di WPP 714